In Diogenem Laertium aegidii menagii observationes & emendationes , hac editione plurimum auctae.
Amsterdam: Henric Wetstenium, 1692. 4to. [viii], [I], 590, [54], 485-486, [506-510] pp. Title in red and black with a small vignette. Contemporary vellum over boards, triple fillets enclosing double fillets with corner-pieces, with large center floral-decoration in blind, front and back; upper board separating, but still solid; red and black marbled endpapers, text somewhat soiled and spotted throughout. From the library of Schulbibliothek des Gymnasiums zu Salzwedel, with discard stamp and small German ownership signature. Item #11032
WOMEN PHILOSOPHERS. This second volume, complete in itself, is famous for the author's work on women philosophers. Diogenes Laertius is the prime source of biographical information on Greek philosophers and the present volume, by Aegidius Menagius (Gilles Ménage of Angers, 1613-92), presents the commentator's elaborate notes on this author. Perhaps more interesting to modern readers is the small "Historical account of philosophic women" which includes, among many others, both Aspasia and Hypatia. That work Aegidius dedicated to the classicist Anna Dacier.
Price: $1,200.00